Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What are the rules of family allowances ?

The family allowances are attributed to parents to whom their children are up to age 16, or up to 25 (for studying or training reasons).

When both of parent can claim this allotment right for the same child, there are some priority rules :
- at the one who works,
- at the one who holds the parental authority,
- at the one in whom lives the child most of the time,
- at the one who has the highest income

Read more :

Which office in Switzerland is responsible for Social Security System ?

The "Federal Office for Social Insurance", which is part of the the Federal Department of Home Affairs, is responsible for Social Security System in Switzerland. 

Its field of expertise is divided into pillars which cover different insurances:

     - 1st : old-age and survivor's, invalidity and loss of gain insurances
This one is compulsory for each swiss resident and employee.
     - 2nd : unemployment insurance
     - 3rd : occupational pension insurance
     - 4th : accident insurance

Read more : http://www.justlanded.com/english/Switzerland/Switzerland-Guide/Jobs/Social-security